Sanya Hongfang Yaju Hotel

The Hongfang Zhongyang Hotel (Sanya Hongfang Zhongyang Haijing Jiudian) is a holiday hotel which stands facing Yulin Bay, not far from Dadonghai, about 25 minutes' drive from the airport. Guests of the hotel will aslo find many of Sanya's top attractions nearby.This Sanya hotel offers various well-appointed rooms ranging from deluxe suites to standard rooms equipped with air conditioners, cable TVs and international direct dial phones.

  • 会员3516:疫情期间在家待了太久,周末带孩子出来放松一下,大东海还是很合适的,附近正好有个酒店??,看评价较高。酒店人不是很多,比较安静,对我们这些带着大娃的家长来说还是很好的,服务很周到,本想预定家庭房,但是一不小心定了大床房,本想付点差价升级的,没想到酒店直接免费升级成了豪华套房,比心??。附近吃饭的地方也很多,驱车也就十分钟。特殊期间酒店的严谨和周到服务让人安心。
  • 会员2528:房间很大,楼下就是停车场,吃饭附近不远,距离海边很近,走路5分钟左右,公交车站台就在附近,到机场直达30分钟,很方便,服务态度也不错,提个建议,夏天到了房间里放上点驱蚊的,被蚊子叮了两个包。总体来说比较好,出差旅游,值得推荐
  • 会员4889:鸿芳中洋酒店地理位置好周围有好多旅游景点 海滩近在咫尺, 沙子很细 办理入住的时候 酒店人员亲自在楼下接待 店内设施完善 吃饭打车都很方便 服务态度特好 我感觉完全是在自己家里一样 特舒服 推荐
  • 会员8669:这次来三亚真的太划算了,景点好多的都免费或者打折的,市区的人很少,这个季节的三亚花开的很美,真的是太赞了。酒店交通很便利,新装修的房间很漂亮,每天都有客房服务员进出问要不要打扫,疫情期间酒店还没有开放早餐,周边有个小吃城,对吗就是大东海广播,免费开放的,还有大菠萝购物商店,非常值得住!


Sanya Hongfang Yaju Hotel
  • Address :  No. 135 Yuya Avenue,dadonghaibay,Sanya,Hainan

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:84812)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 0898-88225888
      (Catering Entertainment)

Sanya Hongfang Yaju Hotel reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:84812) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:0898-88225888   Meeting room reserve

Sanya Hongfang Yaju Hotel address: No. 135 Yuya Avenue,dadonghaibay,Sanya,Hainan

三亚鸿芳雅居酒店Sanya Hongfang Yaju Hotel

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